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  • Writer's pictureAubrey Brown

Carnation For Your Darlin

Updated: Feb 14, 2019

IUP PRSSA held our first fundraising event of the semester. Here's the wrap up!

February, the month of lovin’, candy, and flowers.

So, what better way for PRSSA to kick start its Spring semester of fundraising with a “Carnation for your darling” sale. The PRSSA set up a table on the first floor of the Humanities and Social Sciences Building (HSS) on Valentine’s Day. The table was blooming with flowers from 10 a.m. until two p.m. The carnations came in a variety of colors for individuals to choose for their special someone. The carnations were originally purchased from a local Indiana florist and to make a profit on the flowers, the carnations were marked up to $2 a piece.

Lessons Learned

A lot of college kids don’t carry cash, so the PRSSA set up a Venmo account. However, the members fell short on confirming that people’s payments were going through. It was a learning experience for the club. Now, in the future, extra steps will be taken to confirm that the Venmo transactions successfully go through. At the end of the sale, 48 carnations were purchased for people’s darlin’.

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